The programme content is implemented through immediate involvement of other appropriate institutions and responsible state authorities for provision of social care for the citizens, as well as non-governmental organizations. The Red Cross implements many activities with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
For purpose of successful organizing the social-welfare activities, continuous education is provided for the human resources of Macedonian Red Cross. Special emphasis is placed on education of the staff and volunteers for participatory rapid appraisal of the needs of the vulnerable persons in the communities with the involvement of the members of these communities.
Activities in the area of social welfare:

- Programmes for provision of assistance for social cases, interlay displaced persons, and assistance for social, health and educational institutions;
- Programme for first psychological support for coping with trauma and stress;
- Programme for participatory community development;
Implementation of traditional social welfare actions:

- Collection actions for provision of humanitarian assistance (food, clothing, shoes, hygiene material, bedding) for vulnerable persons – “Day of Solidarity”;
- Week for caring for elderly persons – programme activity targeted for assistance and care for elderly persons;
- • “Hunger Day Campaign” – for provision of financial support and food for assistance to persons exposed to problems of social nature.